Chess pieces

Chess is made up of five types of pieces:

The chess pieces: The king ; The rook ; The bishop ; The queen ; The knight ; The pawn

Each side starts with 16 pieces: eight pawns, two bishops, two knights, two rooks, one queen, and one king.

Each player has 6 different types of pieces: 8 pawns, 2 rooks, 2 knights, 2 bishops, a queen and the most important one – the king!

At the beginning of the game, we find 32 pieces on the chess board, half of them are White and the other half Black.

The Five Types of Pieces

Different pieces have different powers. Learning how to coordinate their
movements effectively is one of the game’s primary challenges.


The King is truly the most important piece because you lose the game if your King is attacked and cannot escape. Kings are abbreviated with the letter  K



The Queen is considered the most powerful piece in terms of its ability to move around the board. Each player has one at the beginning of the game, though you will see, it’s possible to get more! Queens are abbreviated with the letter Q


Bishops usually have a nice, tapered appearance. At the beginning of the
game, each player starts with two Bishops. They are abbreviated with
the letter B.


Knights, like the cavalry, can jump into action. Each player starts with
two Knights. They are abbreviated with the letter N.


Rooks are sometimes called towers or castles because they resemble the
tower of a castle. Each player starts with two of them. They are abbreviated with the letter R


The pawns are the smallest unit on the chessboard. Each player owns 8 pawns at the beginning of the game.  They can seem small and unimportant, but they are often very useful in helping to control territory and to launch attacks on your opponent.

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