Chess World Corporate Championship

World Corporate Championship

Team tournament, 

The International Chess Federation is pleased to announce the first ever FIDE Corporate World Chess Championship, which will take place from February 19-21, 2021.

Games will be played online, with designated as the hosting platform. The corporations will be represented by a team of four players, fulfilling the following conditions:

 At least one of the team members must be a female player and at least one of the team members must be a male player.
Only one professional level player (with a FIDE rating of +2500) is allowed per team.At least three of the players lined up in each game must be full-time employees of the company.

Participants will compete for really special prizes: the winning company will be declared the 2021 Corporate Chess World Champion, while the team that collects the most donations for two social programs administered by FIDE (Chess in education and support for chess veterans ) will be invited to send four players. to attend the next match of the World Chess Championship, which will be held within the framework of the Dubai World Expo 2021.


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